Thursday 2 October 2008

audience research

here is a small selcetion of videos that my particpants choose as there enjoyed videos from there preferred genre and other genres
rdx-everybody dance
-kris ann likeed this video as it enabled her to learn all the latest dance moves

kanye west feat adam levine-heard em say

nana like this video bacause of the special effects when the furniture moves and the little children

sam sparro-black and gold

yinka liked this video because of the lighting


Eoin Meade said...

can you try to develop the reasons for these preferences. For example, what is it about the lighting in the 'Sparro' video that the respondant liked? It might be worth conducting a small focus group to discuss these videos before you finalise your storyboards?

makeda said...

i did ask my particpants to explain there favourite videos in a much details as possible and thats what they have managed to write i was considering setting up a focus group but what is the best way to collect the results?