Monday 1 December 2008

filiming diary

this week sometime i had had plan to film my last shots which are the shots of the dancers in the club this however and inevitably did not go according plan the dancer whom i had selected and were willing to participate in my video did not show up for a meeting which i had scheduled due to school trips detentions among other reasons .have got in contact with a few of them but due to the mock exams taking place in the drama hall i cannot film any of this week and some of my dancers a taking part in this exam so they are unable to film as well.i am not panicking about this scene as in the meantime of waiting for the hall to be and contacting my dancers at a convenient time i have been updating my blog editing all my shots i had filmed previously .also i have been selecting songs for my dancers to dance to as my actual selected song is boogie tonight is doesn't have the fastest tempo so i am selecting more vibrant songs that will boost the dancing energy when i am editing it against the music i will use a lot of special effects to make it synchronize with the music

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